Eurasianism and Europe
Автор: Osinskiy I.I.
Журнал: Восточный вектор: история, общество, государство @eurasia-world
Статья в выпуске: 1, 2017 года.
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The article deals with the problems of Eurasianism: the nature and genesis of this phenomenon, and interpretations in modern Russian literature. Some of A. G. Dugin's neo-Eurasian ideas Dugin, views of foreign researchers are being critically interpreted. We consider that Eurasianism cannot be treated unequivocally as an anti-European ideological and political trend aimed at overcoming Europeanism. It is necessary to take into account the progressive influence of Europe on Russia, which has been reflected in various spheres of public life. We emphasize the importance of using the basic values of European civilization, all the achievements of East, and other regions of the vast Eurasian space. At the heart of relations between the countries of the forming commonwealth must be the principles of reasonability, peace, partnership and justice.
Eurasianism, concept, west, east, society, ideology, radicalism, intelligentsia, culture, science
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IDR: 148317042