Pharmacological correction of polyhypovitaminoses in young growth of cattle

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Polyvitaminic medicines are considered im- portant aspect of prevention of polyhypovitaminoses in young growth of cattle. Complex polyvitaminic preparations of last genera- tion in which fat-soluble vitamins are not in tradi- tional oil forms, but in water and disperse (micellar) type are of special interest. The purpose of the re- searches was the development of methods of pharmacological correction of polyhypovitaminosesin young growth of cattle with use of complex polyvitaminic preparations of last generation. The researches were conducted on the territory of joint project company of collective farm "Rodina" of Kagalnitsky area of Rostov Region. The objects of the researches were newborn young growth of cat- tle. For carrying out the experiment (by the principle of analogs) 3 groups of calves, up to 10 heads in each were created. The first group was control; the second experimental group was injected with the drug "Tetrahydrovit" intramuscularly for the 1st day of life and repeatedly in 7 days in a dose of 0...


Polyhypovitaminosis, young growth of cattle, therapeutic efficiency, prevention, polyvitaminic medicines, pharmacological correction

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IDR: 140243406

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