Phase transitions in imperfect mycelium fungus colonies

Автор: Bulyanitsa A.L.

Журнал: Научное приборостроение @nauchnoe-priborostroenie

Рубрика: Оригинальные статьи

Статья в выпуске: 3 т.14, 2004 года.

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The process of imperfect fungal colony self-organization may follow three main strategies: "continuous lawn", "ring structures" and "colony dying" [1]. The relationships between these strategies and the strategies themselves can be described in terms of phase transformation theory which was developed primarily for thermodynamic problems [2]. The analyzed phase transformations of the "dying" and "continuous lawn" strategies have the features of phase transitions of the first and second kind. Nevertheless interpretation of the "ring structure" strategy proper with these transformations is ambiguous.

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IDR: 14264355

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