Phenological aspect of imago phasiinae (Diptera, Tachinidae, Phasiinae) of Southern Primorye Far East of Russia

Автор: Markova T.O., Maslov M.V., Repsh N.V., Egorenchev S.E.

Журнал: Вестник Красноярского государственного аграрного университета @vestnik-kgau

Рубрика: Биологические науки

Статья в выпуске: 12, 2016 года.

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Forty one species of Phasiinae (Diptera, Tachinidae, Phasiinae) with known phenology of Southern Primorye Far East of Russia are present-ed in the paper. The flight season of Phasiinae imagoes in the region lasts about 6 months - from third ten-day period of April till the first ten-day peri-od of October. The first Phasiinae appear in late April-early May in forest habitats and are members of the genus Phasia Latr. Fauna of Phasiinae is supplemented of species of genuses Eliozeta Rond., Clytiomya Rond., Gymnosoma Meig. by the end of May-middle June. Subfamily Phasiinae is represented by species of genuses Eliozeta Rond., Clytiomya Rond., Gymnosoma Meig., Elomya Rob.-Desv., Cylindromyia Meig. and Leucostoma Meig. by last ten-day period of June. Changes in the composition of Phasiinae are mild since the second half of summer, and the mass flight of many spe-cies continues till late August. There are quite a lot of Phasiinae in open habitats in September. Some insects continue to meet till middle October. Four phenological groups are defined: spring-summer (4 species) (9.7 % of the number of species with known dates of imago flight) - flight from late May till July and August; spring-autumn - 5 species (12.3 %) - flight in April-May and September-October; summer - 13 species (31.7 %) - flight in July and August; summer-autumn - 19 species (46.3%) - flight from the beginning and middle of summer till September-October. There is one max-imum of the number of species diversity (in the middle-late July) and there are two maximum of numbers - spring-summer (from late May till middle June) and late summer (in the middle July till mid-dle August) during the season.


Far east of Russia, primorye terri-tory, tachinid flies, phasiinae, the flight season of imago, phenological groups

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IDR: 14084567

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