Phenology of residence and seasonal variability of Non-Passeriformes in Baikal Siberia

Автор: Dorzhiev Ts.Z., Badmaeva E.N.

Журнал: Природа Внутренней Азии @nature-inner-asia

Рубрика: Байкальский регион, Россия

Статья в выпуске: 1 (2), 2017 года.

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The aim of article is to generalize available data about phenology residence of Non-Passeriformes in Baikal Siberia and obtain an overall picture of the species composition of avifauna according to the seasons of the year. We marked out 4 phenological seasons: winter (November - March), spring (April - May), summer (Jule - 20 August), autumn (September - October). Total sum of 228 non-passerines species were registered including non-migratory, wintering, migratory nesting, migratory and visitant species. We gave information about migration period of 96 migratory nesting species, registration dates of 47 visitant species. We show 12 migratory species small part of which stay for wintering on Baikal and source of Angara River. The general analysis of flight phenology birds in region were made and also for three basic orders - Anseriformes (36 species), Charadriiformes (81 species) and Falconidae (34 species). Migratory Non-Passeriformes stay in the region from 3 till 8 months, form middle-end of March till third decade of November. The peak of spring migration starts in second-third decades of April, autumn migration starts from middle of October. The most short staying time have swifts, and the longest - eagles and some species of ducks and gulls. More than 70% species are staying in the region from 4.5 till 7 months. Migratory species in spring and autumn seasons stay in the region from 15-20 days till 4 months, about half species - 2.6-3.0 months. The coming of leading individuals begins in the first decade of April and closes in the end of May - beginning of June; peak of migration season is the third decade of May. The autumn migration starts in the middle of July and closes in the end of October, the peak of migration season is the second part of August - the first decade of September. Visitant species are registered from April till November, the largest part is in May and June. Species structure in seasons looks as follow. Winter fauna of Non-Passeriformes consists of 42 species including 27 nonmigratory, 3 wintering and 12 partly or inconstant wintering. Spring fauna is very variable and in same time the maximum was 160 species. Summer nesting fauna consists from more than 130 species. Maximum 145 species were registered at the same time in autumn. The number of species decreases to 70-80 species in the end of season, to 55-65 species in the beginning of winter. The ornithofauna in Baikal Siberia has clear seasonal dynamic which links with sudden change of seasons. Period of staying of migratory species links with topical and feeding conditions in the region and endogenic factors concerned with rhythm of the round cycle of birds. Autumn migration differs from spring migration by more extended character. The most species leave region before unfavorable conditions. Considerable difference was registered in periods of coming and inhabiting of different species which concerned with specific differences in the requirements for ecological conditions and the specificity of their biology.


Baikal siberia, northern asia, birds, migration, phenology migration, seasonal composition

Короткий адрес:

ID: 148317978   |   DOI: 10.18101/2542-0623-2017-1-7-36
