The phenomenon of modern construction: from an industrial complex to an ecosystem

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In modern conditions characterized by the active dynamics of transformations occurring as a result of the formation of a new technological way of life in all areas of the economy, the expediency of clarifying the essential aspects of the conceptual and categorical apparatus is actualized in science. Accordingly, the construction economy also needs to clarify the essence, functions, subject-object composition of construction and characteristics of construction products. The article presents the evolution of the organization of construction as a system as a result of organizational and economic changes and schematic diagram of the construction ecosystem triad. The article provides a historiographical analysis of the essence of construction, substantiates the need to apply a systematic approach as a basis for clarifying the conceptual and categorical apparatus in connection with the ongoing changes in socio-economic development, postulates the ecosystem of construction as a leading discourse, defines the main characteristics of this ecosystem. Conclusions were drawn that the modern ecosystem of construction is intersectoral, which includes an innovative component and, in the process of digital transformation, will be based on the functioning of the appropriate platform.


Investment and construction complex, ecosystem, digitalization, conceptual and categorical apparatus

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IDR: 142231291   |   DOI: 10.17513/vaael.1995

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