Phenotypical variability of Juglans mandshurica trees in the arboretum of Siberian State University of Science and Technology named after academician M.F. Reshetnev

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In the study the variability of uterine trees of Man-churian nut on biometric indicators in the arboretum of the Siberian State University of Science and Technology named after Academician M.F. Reshetnev which is lo-cated in a green zone of Krasnoyarsk. The climate of the area is severe, with big annual and daily fluctuations of temperatures. Studied biogroups grow in various uter-ine offices of the arboretum. The age of the plants fluc-tuates from 32 to 48 years. As phenotypic indicators of individual variability of plants the height, diameter of the trunk, crown, determined in each plant of biogroup were selected. For the assessment of the degree of variability of studied sign S.A. Mamayev's scale was used. The biogroups and copies characterized by the best growth were allocated. It was established that the maximum sizes reached copies in office "In". The comparison with the growth of plants under natural conditions and in oth-er points of introduction (arboretum of Abakan, Omsk, Novosibirsk) was also carried out. For the determination of productivity the method of model branches was used. The years in which the nut most plentifully fructified, and also the years with low degree of productivity of plants are given. The number of fructifying trees in biogroups was defined. As a result of conducted researches it was established that for the main biometric indicators varia-bility levels from low to high were typical. When carrying out the analysis of growth of Manchurian nut in other points of introduction it was established that nut plants in the arboretum of Siberian State University of Science and Technology named after academician M.F. Reshetnev not much concede in height and other bio-metric indicators of the plants from tree nurseries of Omsk, Novosibirsk.


Manchurian nut, height, plant diameter, arboretum, fructification

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IDR: 140224448

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