Philosophic-economical aspects symbolisation of space in antique ritual and Dosokratic philosophy: the ontologic analysis
Автор: Koshmilo O.K.
Журнал: Восточный вектор: история, общество, государство @eurasia-world
Статья в выпуске: 2, 2013 года.
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In article within the limits of Martin Heidegger's ontological analytics the problem a kosmocentric bases of balance of supply and demand fundamental to economy in circumstances of ritual economy of an epoch of antiquity is considered. Unlike isolation of balance of supply and demand of the new European economy on the independent subject, the antique economy funds the basis of this balance in the nature. Such sight will be interesting to experts in the field of philosophy of economy and philosophy of archaic culture.
Space, sacral, sacrifice, symbol, metaphor, metonymy, life, thinking, balance, demand, offer
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