Late Paleolithic of the Maltat bay of Krasnoyarsk reservoir (Derbina archaeological region)

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This article contains the integrated study generalized results of the three Late Paleolithic locations, situated in the Maltat bay of the Derbina archaeological region on Middle Yenisey - Maltat, Konzhul and Blizhniy Log. The direct analogies of the Maltat bay sites industries are presented in the materials of so-called «small-blade industries» sites of the Middle Yenisey (Aphanasyv Mountain, Tarachiha, Shlenka and others), traditionally dated to the Sartan period. This dating, concerning Konzhul-Maltat-Blizhniy Log contradicts paleontological, geological and radiocarbon data for Konzhul and Maltat. In this case the upper time border of the Yenisey «siberian gravetta» is being watered down, what makes it possible to prolong the «classical» small-blade stage on the Middle Yenisey and consider the parallel development of the large-blade and small-blade industries on the most part Sartan period duration.


Krasnoyarsk reservoir, late paleolithic, sarnanian period, paleoecology, small blades industry, archaeological сulture

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IDR: 14737311

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