Financing of investments in production of equipment for digital transformation of industry

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The development of the industrial sector of the economy at the present stage of technological progress presupposes an increasingly significant use of digital systems for registering information processing and managing complex technological complexes. An important element in the development of digital systems is the creation of a technical base that ensures the production of the corresponding element base and devices. The development of the most important science-intensive industries relying mainly on foreign equipment and technologies is associated with numerous risks of both economic and political nature. The priority development of Russian equipment required for digital transformation requires an increase in investments in fixed assets of industries related to the production of equipment necessary for the use of digital technologies. An increase in investment requires an increase in funding. The article analyzes the investment resources necessary for the digital transformation of the Russian industry using the example of the industry of manufacturing computers, electronic and optical products. In this industry for the period 2017-2020 there is a decrease in financial resources directed to investments in fixed assets at the expense of their own funds, although the enterprises’ own funds have increased over this period. Investments were also reduced through and through borrowed funds, in particular through bank loans. Formation of economic mechanisms to stimulate the use of enterprises’ own funds for investments in fixed assets, as well as facilitating the access of enterprises to attracting debt financing, especially industries producing products for digital technologies are a prerequisite for the successful development of digital transformation technologies for Russian industry.


Digital transformation, industry, investments, financial resources, own funds

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IDR: 142229964

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