Financing of small business: problems and ways of their solution

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The article considers the financing of small businesses in Russia. Sources of financing for small businesses, such as equity, borrowed capital, investments and budgetary funds, have been identified. In order to operate effectively, a small business needs to attract financial resources. Own financial resources are formed with the help of external and internal sources of business financing. Borrowed funds are formed at the expense of bank credits and loans. The problems of financing small businesses and ways to solve them are identified. The purpose of the author’s scientific research: to study the financing of small businesses in the Russian Federation in the context of the globalization of the economy, to identify problems and suggest ways to solve them. The relevance of the work lies in the fact that at the moment there is a rethinking in the field of doing business in Russia, support for small businesses comes to the fore, since it can be the locomotives for the growth of the country’s economy. The result of the work is that small business is quite well developed on the territory of both, in particular, the Omsk region, and on the territory of the Russian Federation. However, there are a number of problems that need to be urgently addressed. The author systematized and summarized data on the problems of financing small businesses, and also proposed measures to solve these problems.


Financing, small business, own resources, borrowed resources, subsidies

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142237624

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