Financial stability of the region as a condition for ensuring economic security (on the example of the Ryazan region)

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The article discusses the issues of financial stability of the region and substantiates the need to determine its level in order to identify and assess various risks, threats to the economic security of business entities. Based on the analysis of the information received, regional authorities will be able to manage budget revenues and expenditures, adjust regional budget and tax policies, and create conditions for the region’s financial independence from external funding sources. The author found out that the assessment of the financial stability of the region should be carried out on a regular basis in order to determine its current state and develop management decisions for the future to ensure an acceptable level of economic security. The approaches of different authors to the content of the concept of «financial stability of the region», «economic security of the region» are investigated, their essence is determined, and their own interpretation of the investigated definitions is formulated. The assessment of the financial stability of the region was carried out on the example of the Ryazan region based on the analysis of financial and budgetary indicators, the problems of ensuring the required level of financial stability of the region were identified. The dependence of the regional budget on external sources of financing, both budgetary and commercial loans, and on funds provided by other budgets of the budgetary system of the Russian Federation.


Financial stability of the region, economic security of the region, budgetary and financial indicators

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142230432   |   DOI: 10.17513/vaael.1820

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