Phytochemical study of plants family Asteraceae dumort in Western Transbaikalia

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The article gives the results of the content of biologically active substances (BAS) in 4 species of plants in the genus Asteraceae Dumor. Western Transbaikalia. It was found that the accumulation of biologically active substances in the plants organs occurs differently and individually for each species. The influence of habitat conditions on the content of total alkaloids in the aerial and underground parts of plants was researched. We found out that content of biologically active substances in the organs of Cacalia hastata is not constant, and changes in the process of individual development of the plant. The study of the influence of the seasonal rhythm and habitat for the maintenance of biologically active substances (including trace elements) allow to determine the time and place of the collection of plant material, characterized by an optimal accumulation of biologically active substances. The results of this work indicate the necessity of further research Echinops latifoli, Heteropappus altaicus and Inula britannica to identify other groups of biologically active substances, especially their accumulation depending on ecological and geogaficheskih factors


Cacalia hastata l, echinops latifolius tausch, heteropappus altaicus (willd.) novopokr, inula britannica l, biologically active substances, elemental composition

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IDR: 148183249

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