Phytotesting of soils and technogenic surface formations in urban landscapes

Автор: Eremchenko O.Z., Mitrakova N.V.

Журнал: Вестник Пермского университета. Серия: Биология @vestnik-psu-bio

Рубрика: Экология

Статья в выпуске: 1, 2016 года.

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Urbanized areas are characterized by a deep transformation of the soils, the emergence of new soils and soil-like formations, often low fertile and toxic. Assessment of toxicity and biological activity is a time-consuming process. The developed method of biotest of transformed soils and soil-like formations in the technogenic and urban landscapes substantiated in the article. Choice of standard of comparison has been carried out by the reactions of test-culture grown on natural soil Perm region and on vermiculite with a nutrient solution. Watercress grown on vermiculite showed the largest height, weight and the lowest re-dox-activity. Condition of test-culture depends on fertility. However, even in the fertile soils of the height and weight have been reduced by 30-40% compared to plants on vermiculite. Redox-activity increased when grown on a sample of the podzolic horizon. The decrease of weight, height and the increase of the redox-activity defined by urban soils testing.


Phytotesting, soils, toxicity, biology activity, urban soils, test-control

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IDR: 147204755

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