The impact of sports on the quality of life and human health

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Health is the most important factor in the existence of any person. Any healthy person can function normally, live this life joyfully and interestingly, with various memorable events. But any healthy organism tends to fade over time. Here we must not forget about the important component in maintaining one's spiritual and physical condition. This component is sports. Any physically healthy person is able to withstand a seemingly unbearable load. Here the urgent question arises, how much and how much you need to train - to be completely healthy? Calorie restriction, according to many scientific articles and studies, can affect the life expectancy of any person. Many people call this a «calorie deficit». After all, according to many formulas that are publicly available on social networks and the Internet, anyone can calculate how many calories he needs to consume per day. This article will focus on the role of physical activity in a person's life, what impact they can have on prolonging life and maintaining health, as well as how sport contributes to reducing mortality risks. The purpose of this article is to determine the amount of loads that are safe and effective for a person, necessary in order to maintain the health of the body, and not within the framework of any competitive activity.


Sport, physical activity, human health, healthy lifestyle

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