Digital space formation of domestic tourism in the Komi Republic

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The weak connexity and dispersion of the tourism space in the Komi Republic is due to the insufficient inclusion of its subjects in the digital space, predetermined by the poor quality of the tourist product, low digitalization level of the territory and poor technological equipment of organizations in the tourism sector. The basic directions of the digital transformation of the industry are outlined, related to the expansion of digital infrastructure, development of the regional tourism platform, and improvement of the regional tourism management system through the digitalization of accounting, data collection and analysis. The most important direction is the formation of regional tourism and recreation cluster based on the “smart destination” approach using financial and programmatic mechanisms for the development of the tourism industry in the region.


Tourism, komi republic, digital space, subjects of tourism, digital ecosystem, destination

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IDR: 149145638   |   DOI: 10.19110/1994-5655-2024-4-88-96

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