The formation of technogenic landscape when mining

Автор: Badmaeva S.E., Kosmakov V.I., Badmaeva Yu. V., Bakach A.A.

Журнал: Вестник Красноярского государственного аграрного университета @vestnik-kgau

Рубрика: Агрономия

Статья в выпуске: 5, 2020 года.

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The purpose of the research is to study the formation of technogenic landscape during the functioning of loose gold deposit in the basin of Kolomo Northern-Yenisei district of Krasnoyarsk Region. The river of Koloromo is the right inflow of the river Chap. The relief of the region is field mid-mountain, intensively dismembered with absolute marks of watersheds from 350 to 982 m - m. Garevsky Polkan and relatively exceeding watersheds over floodplains of the rivers about 150-400 m. All the ridges and rivers are extended in the northwest direction. The valley of the river of Koloromo is asymmetric, on the right abrupt board taluses, kurums, and on left by bed curtains - wide uval terraces blocked by the 2-8 m diluvial loops are widely developed. The width of the valley fluctuates from 120 to 650 m; the width of the bed of the river is 3-10 m, rapid current, a large number of rifts, shivers are typical. The depth of the reaches makes 0.5-1 m. In the analysis of the condition of technogenic territory cartographical approach, route field researches are used. The results of the research of the formation of technogenic landscapes are presented. At working off of loose fields there are considerable violations of natural territories in the borders of broken sites followed by basic changes of landscapes on spatial structure and their lithogenic basis. The territories broken by the development of fields of placer gold are presented by career dredging (the developed space), trenches, dumps of overburden rocks, washing dumps, technological reservoirs, courses of water currents (watercourses change). Natural river valleys will be transformed to technogenic row lake and river complexes. According to structural changes taking place during mining works, technogenic territories are subdivided into some sites: the course of waterway (watercourses change), developed space, ponds settlers, dumps of overburden breeds, washing dumps. Working off the field in the basin of the river the placement of dumps of overburden rocks was made by Koloromo on the boards of career dredging. When developing loose gold deposits there is a change of a landscape depending on the applied technology of fields and leads development to formation of technogenic landscapes. The enterprises which have broken natural structure of an agrolandscape are to provide actions for agricultural or silvicultural recultivation.


Man-made landscapes, lithogenic base, mining works, deposit, dumps, terraces

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140250632   |   DOI: 10.36718/1819-4036-2020-5-69-72

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