Form-building process in hybrid populations F2 during crossing of hulled and hull-less variants in barley

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In field conditions (Siberian Scientific Research Institute of Agriculture, 2006 year) the authors studied the productivity in 6 varieties and 30 hybrids F2 in spring barley, obtained by means of diallel crossing. It was shown that the grain mass from plant in hybrids is determined in the main by genotypical features of crossing components and nuclear-plasmatic interrelations. As a rule, in more productive populations the variation coefficient is lower, but the transgression frequency is greatly higher. The hybrids of the Omskii 85 and Omskii hull-less 2 multiserial varieties and the Omskii 90 twoserial variety are of breeding interest.


Barley, breeding, variety, diallel crossing, гибрид f2, genotype, productivity, hybrids f2

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IDR: 142133254

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