Foundation structures of the Russian fortresses of the «Italian circle» and building theory of 16th century Italy

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The paper explores various aspects concerning foundation structures in the fortresses of the «Italian circle» in Russia (Moscow Kremlin, Kitaigorod Fortress, Nizhny Novgorod Kremlin, and Tula Kremlin). It compares construction techniques used to build Russian fortresses and recommendations provided in Italian treatises of the 15th-16thcenturies. This analysis leads the author to conclude that in a number of cases the builders of fortresses in the Russian State followed the recommendations listed in Italian treatises. Sometimes these recommendations were adjusted by builders to a specific situation.

Italian technologies in Russia, vitruvius, alberti, filarete, francesco di giorgio, history of fortification, foundation structures of fortresses

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IDR: 143182908   |   DOI: 10.25681/IARAS.0130-2620.274.265-277

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