The functions of integrative reproductive physiological mother-young system in domestic pigs

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The genetic-physiological functional interrelations of main determinants of reproduction in domestic pigs were studied on example of selectional changes of prolificacy and mothers qualities in the Tiameslan pigs of the China-European crossbred line, created in France. On the basis of original hypothesis the system of simple equation was obtained, which describes natural function of self-dependent reproductive physiological mother-young system. The functions of this system were considered in connection with effect of selection on prolificacy and productivity. It was shown, that first obtained and studied integrative self-regulating homeostatic mother-young system supports the homeostasis of development of suckling piglets, compensatory regulation and stabilization on optimal level of biological (11,6±0,17 newborn piglets) and actual (10,0±0,08 removable piglets) prolificacy in the Tiameslan pig line.


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IDR: 142133025

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