The newspaper “Novyi put” [“new way”] as an example of an occupational newspaper in the territory of Belarus during the Great Patriotic war

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The article is devoted to the content of periodicals published in the territories occupied by the Nazis during the Great Patriotic War. Fascist invaders actively used newspapers for propaganda purposes, because of their accessibility and cheapness, that is why in the occupied territories more than 260 collaborationist newspapers and magazines were published. In the article it is analyzed the example of the newspaper “New way”, coming out in the territories of the Byelorussian SSR in 1942-1943. The first part of the article examines the tasks that faced the editors of newspapers, as well as — who and where was engaged in the production of periodicals. The second part is devoted to the periodicity and structure of the newspaper. Each department of the newspaper — official, unofficial, advertising — is dealt with separately. The issue of how the activities of the Russian Orthodox Church was covered in the pages of the newspaper “Novyi Put” was considered separately. Originally the article was presented in the form of a report at the III Student Scientific and Theological Conference, which was organized by the Historical Society of the St. Petersburg Theological Academy and took place on May 31, 2018.


Great Patriotic War, Russian Orthodox Church, occupation newspaper, periodical press, propaganda, occupation, “Novyi Put” [“New way”], newspaper

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140240201   |   DOI: 10.24411/2587-8425-2018-10027

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