Day-lily genetic resources (Hemerocallidaceae) at the introduction in Western Siberia

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Studying of a high-quality variety of Hemerocallis hybrida hort. (80 grades) considerably expands the data on their adaptation ability and use in various directions of floriculture of Siberia, including selections. Long-term data (2002-2016) are analyzed on the features of seasonal develop-ment, ontogenesis, winter hardiness, reproduction of Hemerocallis hybrida in the conditions of forest-steppe zone of Western Siberia. The possibility of carrying out selection researches is shown. More than hundred parental couples at interhigh-quality hybridization are studied. Perspective seedlings in the form and the size of a flower, abundantly blooming, remontant, early-flowering, tall are se-lected. The introduced grades of day-lily having other areas origin, are characterized by high viabil-ity and stability at their cultivation in extreme condi-tions of the South of forest-steppe zone of Western Siberia. Ecological specificity and good respon-siveness to creation of agrobackground promote manifestation good decorative (87-88 points) and economic and biological qualities (41-50 points). The received data on Hemerocallis hybrida allowed estimating complex results of introduction experi-ment grades and the types perspective for introduc-tion to culture. Adaptive potential testifies to uniqueness of their gene pool and causes the need of its preservation of ex situ for rational use in Sibe-rian region.


Morfobiologic features, hemerocallis hybrida, decorative qualities, selection, west-ern siberia, hemero-callis hybrida

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IDR: 140224134

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