Verbs of speech in the lexicographical aspect

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The article is devoted to lexical-semantic group of speech verbs in lexicographical aspect with the aim of developing uniform criteria of dictionary description, as interpretation of data tokens proposed in modern dictionaries are not the same and vary in volume. Lexical-semantic group of speech verbs is one of the major groups found in the Russian language because these verbs represent one of the most important social needs of native speakers - the need for intercommunication. Verbs of speech activity have a complex semantic structure, many of them are multivalued, actualize different meanings in the speech processes, and these verbs are used in the texts of different styles. This lexical-semantic group is not closed, and is regularly enriched with the emergence of new, occasional verbs of speech. In connection with the imperfection of the interpretations presented in the explanatory dictionaries of the Russian language we offer an integrated approach to the description of the semantics of this group: on the one hand, the author of this article is based on codified data, on the other hand, as a complement to existing interpretations, attaches the results of the sociolinguistic experiment with verbs, which are not fixed in dictionaries, but are reported by respondents. Based on a selection within a given lexical-semantic group of units (group of verbs which semantics implies the motivator and the object) is proposed scheme drawing interpretation, including the required elements. The mentioned characteristics become the basis for a new vocabulary in which they are arranged hierarchically, from the important and mandatory elements to optional (the degree of obligation / optionality characteristic is set by the frequency of its mention in the analyzed sources). As a result, it is considered to prepare the dictionary of Russian verbs of speech. The dictionary should, in our opinion, first of all, have practical value. So, it can be considered as semantic database for lexicographers, which is most fully reveals the value of verbs of speech. Based on this framework, the researcher can fit a family set to the needs of his audience, therefore, discovered in the process of the semes presented in the interpretation in a hierarchical sequence from more important and is required to be less important and optional (the degree of importance and the obligatoriness / optionality is established on the basis of the frequency characteristic of dictionaries, tightness in them). Under the needs of the audience understood the use of a dictionary or as a textbook for studying Russian as a foreign language or for those wishing to expand their knowledge of the native language, or base materials for scientific lexicographical research. This dictionary may have cultural value: through the interpretations revealed a fairly wide range of feelings associated with speech activity of native speakers of Russian.


Verbs of speech, lexicography, dictionary description, interpretation, experiment

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IDR: 147219727

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