State support of domestic metallurgy under conditions of import substitution

Бесплатный доступ

The domestic industry is currently under pressure from the economic sanctions imposed on the Russian Federation. This significantly complicates its further growth and development. Government support in the current circumstances is a prerequisite for the preservation and sustainable development of the national industry. The state is forced to use all the support tools available in its arsenal in order to ensure the necessary level of functioning of the relevant industries. State stimulation of the development of industries is aimed at reducing dependence on imports of foreign industrial goods. Metallurgy, which is of strategic importance for the national industry, was included in the list of industries where import substitution activities should be carried out. The article is devoted to the modern development of domestic metallurgy, the existing problems of the industry and the measures taken by the state to solve them. The article discusses the state support of the metallurgical industry of the Russian Federation in terms of import substitution. Analyzes the current state of the Russian metallurgy, the impact on it of state support in order to import substitution, proposed directions of state support to ensure the long-term development of the industry. The article also assesses the implementation of the import substitution plan for certain products of the metallurgical industry.


Import substitution, metallurgical industry, state support

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 142221069

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