State regulation of the economy: evolution of concepts and modern priorities in Russia

Бесплатный доступ

The author examines the issues of state regulation of the economy. A study was conducted of the evolution of theoretical concepts about state regulation and its importance in the process of socio-economic development of the country was substantiated. The relevance of government regulation has been proven, especially during periods of crisis and severe sanctions pressure on the Russian economy. It has been established that under the conditions of economic sanctions, the role of government regulation in Russia increases significantly. Attention is focused on the priority areas of state regulation of the economy in modern development conditions. The needfor increasing investment activity and pursuing a policy of import substitution, increasing the competitiveness of the Russian economy, stimulating domestic demand, applying tax incentives for entrepreneurs introducing innovative products and technologies, regulating foreign exchange transactions, developing domestic software, etc. is substantiated. Attention is paid to the implementation of state social policy and support of the population.


State regulation, national economy, public sector, sanctions, state social policy, competitiveness, economic growth

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IDR: 148328255

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