Civil society and problems of state law development

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State law features of any society assume the existence of means and methods of legal regulation of social relations incident to the corresponding stage of its development. In modern conditions, many moments in the socio-political and socio-economic life of the country are associated with the formation and improvement of civil society. This situation makes it necessary to strengthen the social activity of citizens in all areas of their life. The requirement of today is the unification of the efforts of the state and society in order to affirm in public consciousness the values of civil society as a good society that was hard-fought by all multinational people of our country. The modern specificity of self-organization of society and dynamics of social relations are characterized by those forms of social activity of people that are in demand by current needs of state law development of society.


State law development, civil society, public relations, regulation of public relations, self-organization of society, social activity of people

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IDR: 142233873

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