Humanizm as a value platform for sustainable development in the era of globalization
Автор: Kozlovets N.A.
Журнал: Восточный вектор: история, общество, государство @eurasia-world
Статья в выпуске: 1, 2017 года.
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The article considers the humanism as a value basis for the sustainable development of mankind, as well as a strategic platform for global integration. The state of interaction between mankind and the surrounding environment testifies to the spiritual crisis of modern civilization. Scientific and technological progress has exacerbated a complex of global problems in ecology, energy generating, demography, food and resources, which move the mankind onto the verge of survival. It is substantiated that a mankind meet with vital dilemma: either to continue uncontrolled acceleration of scientific and technical progress threatening self-destruction, or to reasonably limit it and share responsibility for the future. All this intensified the search for ways to humanize the civilization advancement of mankind. We have analyzed one of the strategies of human development in the early 21st century - the concept of socio-economic sustainable development combined with environmental security as an alternative to uncontrolled globalization and its neoliberal ideology.
Society, information society, sustainable development, globalization, human, consciousness, worldview, humanism, virtual communications, humanistic paradigm
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