The nature of the formation of the main characteristics of sunflower hybrids

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The increase in the production of sunflower oil seeds is facilitated by the introduction of new varieties and hybrids into the agricultural technology used. The selection of the most productive samples adapted to the conditions of cultivation will contribute to the efficient production of cultural products. We studied 5 sunflower hybrids in the Altai Territory: two domestic ones - Synthesis and Soyuz, and three hybrids from Syngenta - Si Arco, Savinka, Suzuka HTS. On average, in two years, the maximum yield was obtained from the hybrids Suzuki HTC (2.77 t/ha) and Sirko (2.70 t/ha).

Sunflower, hybrid, yield, conditions, precocity

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IDR: 170207234   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-9-3-64-66

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