The characteristics of introgressive lines of common wheat with Agropyron elongatum genes in terms of resistance to diseases and grain quality

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As result of long plant breeding a set of introgressive lines of spring common wheat was created with genes of immune to the diseases Wheatgrass species Agropyron elongatum (Host.) Beuv. The aim of this work was to determine the characteristics of perspective lines for complex of agronomic traits, including disease resistance and grain quality. The research was performed in field conditions in the forest-steppe zone of West Siberia (Omsk) according to standard techniques in 2015-2016. Most of the lines (14 out of 16 studied) had abridged vegetation and was included in the middle-early and middle-group, the rest in medium. In contrasting weather conditions in 2015 and 2016 the nine lines had stable yield at the level or higher then standard varieties. Estimation of resistance to diseases was carried out on intensive natural background. In 2015, ten lines were resistant to leaf rust, eight - to stem rust, six - to Septoria spot. In 2016, the increased development of diseases in wheat crops was marked. As a result, only one line kept moderate resistance to stem rust, fore - to Septoria spike disease. Two lines showed an average complex resistance to powdery mildew, stem rust and Septoria blotch. The main indicators of grain quality (protein content, wet gluten) of 15 lines corresponded to a strong wheat (1 and 2 class), one line was a valuable wheat. The protein content in grain of the best lines on average for 2 years was 17.3 %, gluten - 33.8 %. Four lines significantly outperformed the standard varieties for protein yield per hectare. The best introgressive lines emitted by the set of valuable characteristics are promising to create the wheat varieties, adapted to the conditions of the South of Western Siberia.


Triticum aestivum, agropyron elongatum, introgression lines, leaf rust, stem rust, grain quality, septoria blotch

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IDR: 142213479

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