Characteristics of the power abilities of police officers and the methodology of their development

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The article discusses the main characteristics of the power abilities of police officers and the methodology for the development of these abilities. It is determined that physical strength is the result of a complex symbiosis of psychophysiological processes in the human body that help to overcome external resistance and resist the influence of environmental forces. The key methods of developing strength qualities and the basic principles that should be followed when improving strength abilities are considered. Consistent implementation of methods and adherence to the principles of strength skills development will create a stable basis for the training process, help achieve maximum results in improving strength abilities. It is concluded that the key aspect of the successful development of strength qualities is a gradual increase in workload, an individual approach to training, regularity of classes and attention to the technique of performing exercises. It has been proven that strength training is an important part of a holistic approach to physical activity of police officers with proper exercise and an individual approach to the training program.


Physical strength, functional state of muscles, methods of developing strength qualities, principles of improving strength abilities, muscular endurance, strength training

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IDR: 142241116

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