Chemical composition of forage plants, growing in the zone of industrial enterprises’ influence

Автор: Sariev A.Kh., Cherbakova N.N., Derbenev K.V., Fedina E.V.

Журнал: Вестник Красноярского государственного аграрного университета @vestnik-kgau

Рубрика: Агрономия

Статья в выпуске: 5, 2019 года.

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The research objective was to obtain experimental data on chemical composition of fodder plants the Yenisei North. The research problems were to carry out collecting and analyzing share and field materials; to study the influence of changes in chemical composition of plants on forage quality; to study the influence of mineral fertilizers on forages efficiency. The objects of the research were fodder plants growing in the zone of influence of industrial enterprises of the Yenisei North. On the basis of the analysis of chemical composition of herbs the assessment of received forage for the purpose of preparation of hay at land drying was carried out. The content of protein, fat, fiber, NFES, and ash was studied in dry matter (DM) of hay of seeded grasses and natural meadows. Natural herbage was characterized by satisfactory content of crude protein (cP) (7.5-8.3 %), crude cellulose (cC) (23.0-25.0 %), and nitrogen-free extractive substances (NFES) (49.0-55, 0 %), low content of crude fat (cF) (1...


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