Economic and biological characteristic of Malus baccata (L.) Borkh. coenopopulations in Transbaikalia

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In 2010-2012 researches of 10 natural coeno-populations of M. baccata in the territory of the Re-public of Buryatia and Transbaikalia were conduct-ed. Economic and biological signs were studied: general degree of freezing of a tree, general condi-tion of a tree, damage caused by pests, the extent of fructification and the quality of fruits. Minimum average degree of freezing was found in the trees of Nyukovo and Romanovo coenopopulations of Kabansky area. In four specimens of East Trans-baikal coenopopulation (Nizhnetsasuchey) in the summer of 2010 more than 50 % of leaves, shoots and fruits were hit by pome cultivated plants’ pests: the codling moth and green aphids. The reason was dryness of the climate: maximum average temperature and average minimum, relative humidi-ty in September 2010 in comparison with other are-as of research which had contributed to the in-crease in the number of insect pests. The highest average harvest was given by the specimen of ap-ple-berry of Kurdyum and Romanovo coenopopula-tions (1399.0 g and 1708.1 g, respectively). There were only 180 to 274 fruits on Gusinoozersk coe-nopopulation’ M. baccata trees. The visual harvest ranged here from 31 to 143 grams from the tree. The form with good taste was revealed (Burlakovo, Nyuki and Sotnikovo coeno-populations). These fruits had a good table taste. Trees with high levels of economic-biological signs were found (Burlakovo coenopopulation). After evaluation the quality of fruits they were divided into two groups: 1) fruits of poor quality; 2) fruits of very poor quality.


Природные ценопопуляции m. baccata, economic and biological signs, coeno-population, natural coenopopulation of m. baccata, form

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IDR: 14084784

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