Economic-cultural variability of forest-steppe Altay in the Early Bronze age

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The author is allocated three economic-cultural complexes during the period of early bronze age on the territories of forest-steppe Altay it: woody, hunting-piscatorial-cattle breeding, diversified type of an economy with prevalence of hunting and fishery; forest-steppe cattle breeding; foothill, metallurgical type of an economy with the cattle breeding leading part. The revealed economic variability is interfaced with a cultural originality (Berezovaya Luka, Chernoozerye VI) and piedmont, metallurgical settlements (Kolyvanskoe I) it is possible to consider objects of forest-steppe cattle breeding type within the limits of one culture or a generality (Krotovo-Elunino). Diversified settlements of the wood zone of the right bank of Ob river (Kostenkova Izbushka, etc.) on which hunting and fishery prevailed concern separate from Elunino group.


Altai, bronze age; elunino culture, diversified, cattle breeding, metallurgical types of economy

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IDR: 14737759

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