Chronological complexes of the iron and middle ages in the Trans-Urals (based on the materials of the Papskoe settlement)

Автор: Matveeva Natalia P., Zelenkov Alexander S., Tretyakov Evgenii A., Ovchinnikov Ivan Yu.

Журнал: Вестник Новосибирского государственного университета. Серия: История, филология @historyphilology

Рубрика: Археология Евразии

Статья в выпуске: 3 т.19, 2020 года.

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Purpose. In the article, we present materials from the new investigation of the multi-layered Papskoe settlement (hillfort) near the Iset River (Kurgan region). According to the results of the excavation, we identified six episodes of habitat in the Early Iron Age and in the Middle Ages. Results. Stratigraphic layers of the shaft, traces from ground and frame-pillar structures, and burials, probably of the Chiyalik type, make it possible to establish types of local sequence. We identified individual ceramic complexes of Kushnarenkovo and Petrogromskoe types in addition to buildings with artifacts belonging to Medieval and Iron Age types. The results of our analysis of the typological features of ceramics in the chronological context of things and soil layers, as well as data of radiocarbon columns allow us to identify short scales of the activity of various groups in the valley of the Iset River. Conclusion. In our opinion, the ancient population had used the site of the settlement repeatedly during the period from the 7th century BC to the 15th century AD in this sequence: the Baitovo - 7th-5th BC; the Sargatka - 4th-2nd BC; the Kashino - 2 nd-1st BC; the Early Bakal - 4 th-5 th AD; the Late Bakal - 5 th-7 th AD; the Yudino - 9 th-13 th AD; the Chijalik - 14 th-15 th AD.


Western siberia, early iron age, middle ages, types of ceramics, chronological complexes

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IDR: 147220410   |   DOI: 10.25205/1818-7919-2020-19-3-31-48

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