Ideas of eurasianism in the political and legal reality of modern Russia

Автор: Kondrateva Anna Nikolaevna, Tsyganov Viktor Ivanovich, Salnikov Mikhail Viktorovich

Журнал: Правовое государство: теория и практика @pravgos

Рубрика: Теория и история права и государства. История учений о праве и государстве

Статья в выпуске: 1 (51), 2018 года.

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Recently, the questions of ideological and conceptual foundations of Eurasianism as a self-sustaining political and legal doctrine have increasingly attracted the attention of scholars dealing with the problems of history of legal doctrines, political science, philosophy, cultural studies and sociology. At the same time, the Eurasian trend of social thought is increasingly asserting itself not only in Russia, but also in many CIS republics and it shows the need for rational scientific and ideological ideas of Eurasianists. The modern Eurasian concept, created in view of new socio-historical, economic, political realities, can become the basis of a system of ideas, values and moral guidelines that contribute to the consolidation of society and the implementation of a common development strategy, both for the peoples of Russia and for the post-Soviet states.


Eurasianism, current russian legislation, continuity of ideas of eurasianism

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IDR: 142233925

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