Ideas of state and nation in the works by V. S. Solovyev
Автор: Litvinov M.Yu.
Журнал: Вестник Бурятского государственного университета. Философия @vestnik-bsu
Статья в выпуске: 4, 2024 года.
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The article considers the possibility of using a set of ideas and concepts of Russian religious philosophy as a basis for the development of modern ideas about the unity of the state and the people. The study is based on the example of a prominent representative of this philosophical direction - Vladimir Solovyov. His ideas in the field of state and nation represent a philosophical expression of Christian ideas in the mainstream of Eastern Christianity - Orthodoxy. Despite the incompleteness of his philosophical system, the absence of precise definitions of the state and nation customary for philosophical science, Solovyov's works are imbued with true Christian humanism. They open a great space for further philosophical research in the field of state and nation-building. The study of national unity question requires constancy in philosophical work for searching the modern concepts based on national heritage and aimed at solving eternal problems with new theoretical methods.
The state, people, russian religious philosophy, christian universalism, holism, ethicism, church, all-unity, godmanhood, slavophiles
Короткий адрес:
IDR: 148329893 | DOI: 10.18101/1994-0866-2024-4-33-39