Identification of point blurring function in the problem of chemical matter signature localization over THz frequency range

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This work presents a method for identification of chemical matter only via image registered by THz sensor imaging system. Here we use chemical matter point blurring function dependence on absorption spectrum that is got from scheme of THz image formation. System of THz image formation is described, and point blurring function dependence on chemical matter signature was obtained by supposing a strong defocusing. We propose method for point blurring function evaluation by distorted image and method for signature localization. During the simulation point blurring functions were computed for two different signatures, and distorted images were obtained. We estimated a decision-making noise immunity of which signature been applied in simulation was the main reason of distortions been registered over image unknown for decision-making algorithm.


Thz spectroscopy, point blurring function, blind identification, diffraction limit, matrix sensor, chemical matter signature, defocusing

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140191762   |   DOI: 10.18469/ikt.2015.13.2.13

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