Ideology as a social attractor in the process of degradation and crisis of traditional society of peoples of Central Asia
Автор: Feldman V.R.
Журнал: Восточный вектор: история, общество, государство @eurasia-world
Статья в выпуске: 4, 2014 года.
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The article contains the support of proposition that degradation of traditional society of peoples of Central Asia and its subsequent crisis have been associated with the beginning of the process of modernization. The article concludes that the modernization of traditional societies of Central Asia, as a rule, has been conducted according to a model «destruction-creation». The property relations, which were an obstacle to the development of new productive forces, were subjected to destructive influence in the process of modernization of traditional societies. A system of «customary law» and a system of power in the form of traditional domination were eliminated from the society. The religious form of ideology that was inseparable from traditional society and played the important role in ensuring the stability of its existence in the social space and time was being destroyed. The common generality of any modernization of traditional society was the destruction of the «immune system» that included traditional values objectified in social relations and institutions. The creative component of the process of modernization included the establishment of socialist industrial society. The article also contains the author’s concept of ideology, its essence, content, structure, social functions, the main forms of spatial and temporal existence.
Ideology, crisis of society, self-organization, organization
Короткий адрес:
IDR: 148317946