Hierarchy of the system of constitutional values from concept to construct

Бесплатный доступ

The article is devoted to the study of constitutional values in the aspect of the concept-construct model. As a result of the analysis of the system of Russian constitutional values from the point of view of the legal discourse of the hierarchy of its elements, the article offers the justification of the approach that determines the unity of their status. The axiology of the modern legal foundations of Russian statehood is predetermined by national history. The search for new approaches is actualized by the processes of constitutional transformations that have formed new institutions and given a different meaning to previously existing ones. This predetermines the interest in studying the legal foundations of national constitutionalism, contextually related to philosophical conceptual ideas of legal reasoning. The purpose of the study is to form new approaches to the system of constitutionally significant values. The main task is the refraction of the socio-philosophical concept-construct model into the constitutional law science. Historical-legal and formal-legal methods are used. The study results in the substantiation of approaches allowing to speak about the unity of the status of constitutional values. It is concluded that the projection of the concept-construct model into law is still used as a method of scientific cognition. However, such research is relevant within the framework of the evolution of concepts that define the interaction of the individual, society and power.


Russian constitutional values, socio-philosophical concept-construct model, hierarchy of constitutional values

Короткий адрес: https://sciup.org/142238255

IDR: 142238255   |   DOI: 10.33184/pravgos-2023.2.3

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