Cover page and Table of Contents. Vol. 3 No. 3, 2017, IJMSC
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Статьи выпуска 3, 2017 International Journal of Mathematical Sciences and Computing(IJMSC)

Cryptographic Security using Various Encryption and Decryption Method
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Fast development in universal computing and the growth in radio/wireless and mobile strategies have led to the extended use of application space for Radio Frequency (RFID), wireless sensors, Internet of things (IoT). There are numerous applications that are safe and privacy sensitive. The increase of the new equipments has permitted intellectual methods of linking physical strategies and the computing worlds through numerous network interfaces. Consequently, it is compulsory to take note of the essential risks subsequent from these communications. In Wireless systems, RFID and sensor linkages are extremely organized in soldierly, profitable and locomotive submissions. With the extensive use of the wireless and mobile devices, safety has therefore become a major concern. As a consequence, need for extremely protected encryption and decryption primitives in such devices is very important than before.

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The socio-economic evolution of populations has in recent decades a rapid and multiple changes, including dietary habits that have been characterized by the consumption of fresh products out of season and widely available throughout the year. Culture under shelters of fruit, vegetable and flower species developed from the classical to the greenhouse agro - industrial, currently known for its modernity and high level of automation (heating, misting, of conditioning, control, regulation and control, supervisor of computer etc ...). new techniques have emerged, including the use of control devices and regulating climate variables in a greenhouse (temperature, humidity, CO2 concentration etc ...) to the exploitation of artificial intelligence such as neural networks and / or fuzzy logic. Currently the climate computer offers many benefits and solves problems related to the regulation, monitoring and controls. Greenhouse growers remain vigilant and attentive, facing this technological development. they ensure competitiveness and optimize their investments / production cost which continues to grow. The application of artificial intelligence in the industry known for considerable growth, which is not the case in the field of agricultural greenhouses, where enforcement remains timid. it is from this fact, we undertake research work in this area and conduct a simulation based on meteorological data through MATLAB Simulink to finally analyze the thermal behavior - greenhouse microclimate energy.

Graph Dynamic Threshold Model Resource Network: Key Features
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In this paper, we describe a graph dynamic threshold model called resource network, and briefly present the main results obtained during several years of research. Resource Network is represented by a connected oriented with weighted graph with an arbitrary topology. Weights of edges denote their throughput capacities for an abstract resource. The resource is stored in vertices, which can contain its unlimited amount. Network operates in discrete time. The total amount of resource is constant, while pieces of resource are reallocating among vertices every time step, according to certain rules with threshold switching. The main objective of our research is to define for a network with an arbitrary topology all its basic characteristics: the vectors of limit state and flow for every total amount of resource W; the threshold value of total recourse T, which switches laws of operating of the network; description of these laws. It turned out that there exists several classes of networks depending on their topologies and capacities. Each class demonstrates fundamentally different behavior. All these classes and their characteristics will be reviewed below.

Building Background to the Elgamal Algorithm
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In this paper, we develop a new encryption scheme based on the ELGAMAL encryption algorithm and the degree of difficulty of the discrete logarithm problem (DLP). In public key cryptography, a secret key is often used for a long period of time, thus expelling the secret key. Moreover, devices used to calculate cryptography can also be physically attacked, leading to the secret key being exposed. This paper proposes a new encryption scheme to reduce the risk of revealing a secret key.

Analysis of Automated Matching of the Semantic Wiki Resources with Elements of Domain Ontologies
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Intelligent information systems oriented on the Web open environment need in dynamic and interoperable ontological knowledge bases. We propose an approach for integration of ontological analysis with semantic Wiki resources: domain ontologies are used as a base of semantic markup of the Wiki pages, and this markup becomes the source for improving of these ontologies by new information