Individual investment account as a type of brokerage account in Russia

Автор: Baldina E.I., Mashentseva G.A.

Журнал: Вестник Алтайской академии экономики и права @vestnik-aael

Рубрика: Экономические науки

Статья в выпуске: 2, 2021 года.

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The securities market in Russia has a rather poor history and at the current stage only strives to become functional in the securities market of developed countries. Regardless of the level of development of the stock market participants, the most important vector of development is set by the state in one way or another. The circulation of financial assets on the stock market allows for an effective redistribution of funds. The state plays an indispensable role in strengthening public confidence in securities and stock market operations. Thus, one of the measures to popularize long-term investment among the population was the creation in 2015 of a new financial instrument in the history of the Russian securities market - an individual investment account. This type of brokerage account has many analogues in the economies of developed countries - the United States of America, Canada, the United Kingdom and others. Here it becomes important to study foreign experience and adopt the positive and applicable features of the investment account for the Russian economy. The current conditions of functioning of the Russian financial market dictate the need for the introduction of financial engineering products - financial innovations. However, the improvement of technologies directly depends on the main participants of the stock market - brokers, dealers, investors and issuers. At the current stage, it is important to note the role of brokers in the development of an individual investment account. An individual investment account is a young instrument in the Russian securities market, so the relevance of the study is extremely high. The number of individual investment accounts is growing every year, however, at the moment only a small part of the population has taken advantage of it. The relevance of the research topic is supported not only by the novelty of the tool, but also by the increasing number of individual investment accounts, but at the same time this tool is not yet perfect. Also, despite the progressive number of accounts, many potential investors still do not fully understand its advantages, preferring bank deposits.


Securities market, individual investment account, shares

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IDR: 142227778   |   DOI: 10.17513/vaael.1592

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