Infectious diseases non-productive in pets

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Urolithiasis is one of widespread pathologies observed in cats, followed by the formation of sand and stones present in bladder from 1 to 13.5 % of cats of different breeds. It is observed in cats prac-tically of all ages, it is especially widespread in pets at the age from 1 to 6 years. Infections, metabolic disorder, acid-base balance, hardness of water, foreign forages and feed, etc. can be the reasons of stones formation. The research objective was to establish microbic composition of urine and to ana-lyse the symptoms of urolithiasis in cats. The re-search problems were to carry out the identification of microorganisms, hematologic and biochemical blood tests and chemical properties of urine. During the researches from September, 2016 to August, 2017 the condition of 43 clinically sick cats with oxalate, urat and tripelphosfate urolithiasis was an-alysed. It was established that the infection accom-panied urolithiasis in 20 % of cases. The most widespread were coccae microflora in 60 %, Е.coli. in 18 %. In parallel with colibacillus and cocci inde-pendent microorganisms were allocated. At their primary allocation they were gram positive rhabdoid bacteria the sizes of 0.5-0.6 × 3.1-4.0 microns. On dense nutrient mediums formed gray-white colonies of a S-form, with a diameter of 1.5-2.0 mm. At mi-crobiological research of urine without symptoms of urolithiasis and detection of sand and stones these microorganisms were found in 60 % of cases. Ob-serving further, we found out sand in urine or con-firmed formation of stones. Thus, the found micro-organisms can be test urolithiasis microbes.


Urolithiasis, microorganisms, test microbes, cats

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 140224190

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