Information modeling as a factor of management of innovative development of the agro-industrial complex

Автор: Pitel T.S.

Журнал: Вестник аграрной науки @vestnikogau

Рубрика: Экономические науки

Статья в выпуске: 5 (98), 2022 года.

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The article considers the bases of using BIM design in the construction industry of the agro-industrial complex, as well as main principal features of the work and characteristics of BIM tools and processes of their interaction in the management system of investment and construction projects of the agro-industrial complex, analyzes the level of information modeling technologies use in Russia, the main barriers and risks of their implementation in organizations, evaluates the use of domestic software in the field of information modeling technologies, as a factor in ensuring import substitution in Russia. The attention is focused on the fact that the key distinctive aspect of the process of improving the investment and construction design of the agro-industrial complex based on information modeling technologies is the creation of a shared data environment and its functioning. The article examines general data environment in accordance with the terminology as a set of software and hardware tools in order to ensure the joint use of innovative information and data by all participants in the investment and construction project of the agro-industrial complex. The effectiveness of their application was evaluated, the recommendations were offered on the choice of software implementing the proposed scenario of using information modeling technologies, the main proposals for their implementation into practice of construction enterprises of the agro-industrial complex of the Orel region at all stages of the life cycle of the construction object were identified. Taking as a basis the analysis of both theoretical and practical problems of BIM work, we have proposed the process of design automation itself based on BIM technologies. We have proposed to consider this process from three main approaches to the construction of the design process itself in the agro-industrial complex based on information modeling: firstly: just an ordinary formal transition, and secondly: design without a BIM manager and with a BIM manager. An algorithm is proposed for planning the processes of improving the organization and management of investment projects in construction, which will form an objective scientifically based decision support system for managers of design and construction organizations.



Короткий адрес:

IDR: 147239346   |   DOI: 10.17238/issn2587-666X.2022.5.144

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