Information warfares: features and risks

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The article considers the most significant features of information warfares, which are a kind of product of society development, one of the results of scientific and technological progress, information integration and globalization of the world community. We believe that one of the main consequences of information wars is the danger of a significant decrease in the quality of life of people due to possible violations in the sphere of free expression of citizens, the spread of disinformation and “fake” news, weakening trust in public authorities, causing anxiety, concern, people's uncertainty about the future, as well as negative consequences for the normal functioning of all social institutions. In the long term, all of the above can cause a number of problems that hinder the harmonious existence of society and the state. The article analyzes various forms and manifestations of information warfares, their means and modes in different historical periods, and discusses the features of modern information clashes, their consequences and possible measures to counter the threats under consideration undertaken by public institutions.


Information, information warfare, false information, fake, critical thinking, propaganda, disinformation

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 148329882   |   DOI: 10.18101/1994-0866-2024-3-38-46

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