Intellectual life of Alexandria (case study of the museion of Alexandria)

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The purpose of the article is to analise the impact of the intellectual atmosphere of the Alexandrian museion on the intellectual life of the Alexandrian society. The subject of the research is the Alexandrian museion as a traditional form of museumification inherent in the classical Hellenistic culture. The methodological basis of the article were the general scientific methods such as analysis and synthesis, which allowed to integrate the traditions of Russian and international researchers on the issue. Such methods as the comparative historical method, method of systems analysis, the structural-diachronic method, statistical method, hermeneutical method and historical description were used. Currently there are plenty of scientific works dedicated to the largest educational center, i.e. the Alexandrian school, which is nor the case of Alexandrian museion. Some fragmentary information about the pundits whose practice took place in the Museion can be found in the works of Strabo, Diodorus Siculus and Diogenes Laertius...


Alexandria, roman empire, egypt, alexandrian library, serapeum, alexandrian museion

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IDR: 14117062

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