The internet on the territory of literature

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The paper reviews the monograph “ Russian Prose in the Age of the Internet: Transformation in Poetics and the Author’s identity” by M. Abasheva and F. Kataev, which is a systematic study of changes in poetics of contemporary Russian prose under the influence of computer discourse. The authors turn to works generated by and functioning in the network environment (e-literature), as well as to traditional (paper) literary prose of the 1990-2000s. The main focus of the monograph under review is on the innovations in poetics generated by the impact of new technologies. The book is concerned with the historical process of interaction between literature and the Internet, peculiarities of structure and poetics of the Russian literary Internet. Special consideration is given to the impact of information technology and the Internet culture on different levels of a literary text, such as a genre, style, language, an image of the author, a plot, chronotope. The monograph may be regarded as a kind of the Internet guide and used as a textbook for Philology students.


Information society, internet, computer discourse, it-технологии, russian literary internet, information technology

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ID: 14729345
