Internet of things: overview of reference architectural models

Автор: Roslyakov A.V., Kiryakov A.A.

Журнал: Инфокоммуникационные технологии @ikt-psuti

Рубрика: Технологии телекоммуникаций

Статья в выпуске: 4 т.19, 2021 года.

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For the Internet of Things to function, the it must connect billions or trillions of different objects over the Internet and other networks using different protocols and technologies. Thus, there is a critical need for a universal, flexible and multi-layered architecture. Currently, there is no single architectural reference model. Its creation is not an easy task despite many standardization efforts. The main challenge in creating an architectural reference model is the natural fragmentation of possible applications for IoT technologies. Each of the applications depends on many variables and requirements for the design characteristics and the wishes of the customer, and they often differ dramatically. In addition, there is another problem connected with the tendency of each supplier or manufacturer to offer their platform and solutions for similar applications of IoT technology. This article analyzes several approaches to creating reference architecture models that may prove useful in the ongoing standardization process for IoT technologies.


Интернет вещей iot, трехуровневая модель iot, пятиуровневая модель iot, iot-модель мсэ-т, iot-модель iwf, iot-модель iot-a, стек протоколов ietf для iot

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