Irish intellectual in French kingdom of the IX-th century: Sedulius Scotus and his treatise "On Christian rulers"

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The article discusses the development of Carolingian political thought of the IX century, that’s why special attention is payed to the analysis of the original Latin treatise «On the Christian rulers» («De rectoribus christianis»), written by the famous Irish thinker, an intellectual and a poet Sedulius Scottus as a call for peace and unity. The work, in the spirit of so-called «King’s Mirrors» has several levels of meaning, each of which corresponds to particular author's purposes. The question arises of whom this work was addressed to and what is the main purpose of creating the literary monument. The researcher hypothesizes that the treatise «On the Christian rulers», written in the period of the sharp confrontation between Lothar I, Charles I the Bald and Louis the German II, is dedicated to Lothar. Moreover, for the first time in world historiography the exact date of its creation is pronounced - 853. Considering the treatise «On the Christian rulers» in the historical and political context of the Frankish reality of the IX century, in the light of complex configurations of church-state and potestarian relations, Dr. A.K. Gladkov proposes to consider the work by Sedulius Scottus first of all as a call for peace, as an intellectual work, full of ancient and early medieval images and rhetorical figures, imbued mostly by high pacifistic pathos.


Sedulius scotus, "on christian rulers", "carolingian renaissance"

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IDR: 14117002

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