Islam: problems of islamophobia in digital games. Opinion, conclusions

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Islamophobia is an industry introduced to the digital world by global actors. Its core philosophy is to expose the negative characteristics of objects that the Islamic religion considers sacred to Islamophobic fiction that appeals to all age groups in a digital environment. Content promoting Islamophobia is directly or indirectly shown on many platforms such as media, social networks, TV series, cartoons, newspapers and digital games. One such digital content is the game Counter-Strike. The game Counter-Strike affects all age groups, but it attracts the youth the most. In the game, the Islamic religion and Muslims are subliminally poorly illustrated through visuals, sounds and religious expressions using places that the Islamic religion considers sacred. In this regard, the proposed study examines the studied content that feeds the Islamophobic elements present in the game. It decommunized how Islamophobic elements contained in digital games influence perceptions of Islamophobia over users' time spent by examining the relationship between the real and the virtual. The qualitative research method attempted to conduct a document review and descriptive analysis, and examined visual elements in the Counter-Strike game that may cause negative attitudes towards the religion of Islam.


Digital games, islam, phobias, games, sociology, religions, content, effect, platform

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 149145229   |   DOI: 10.17748/2219-6048-2024-16-1-74-91

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