Using plasma-activated water to stimulate the growth of garden plants

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Technologies based on obtaining and using plasma-activated water (PAW) are a promising direction in agriculture. The method of plasma activation by a glow discharge generator. This is a simple and attractive process for obtaining PAW, but preserving active compounds for a long time is one of the main problems. Polyvinylpyrrolidone is an aqueous inert, non-toxic, heat-resistant, biodegradable polymer that has proven itself as a stabilizing agent, so it was proposed to use it with PAW. In this work, plasma-activated water was used for pre-sowing treatment of strawberry seeds (Fragaria ananassa), characterized by a low germination rate. It was shown that the use of PAW led to an increase in seed germination by 30 percent, greater development at the initial stages and higher germination. Biochemical analysis of seedlings showed that the balance of phytohormones shifts towards growth hormones. Thus, we obtain a surfactant that is effective in accelerating the growth and development of earthlings.


Plasma activated water, plants, strawberries, growth, polymer

Короткий адрес:

IDR: 170207535   |   DOI: 10.24412/2500-1000-2024-9-3-53-57

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